

ALERT! This SITE is going to delete | We are Shifting.


ALERT! All book are Shifting To new Site. This is is going to delete.

We are sorry to do this because there are some reason which is blocking the path of us to provide free book to students. According to GOOGLE terms I cannot upload any book because it remove the link from site instantly. 

What is the plan?

NOW, listen very carefully, The plan is to make a new site and a store of these paid books so you can easily download your books.

This require a few day to get upload these items. So, I Hope you will support  me in this FREE REVOLUTION.


What is the name of the SITE?

IT is not decided but I upload everybook for class 10, 11, 12 and the surprise.


What is the surprise, Please tell.

The surprise is that you can ask any question related to your preparation, general queries, about an online institute, and I provide some earning & Business Ideas for you.

You can ask your general query in the comment section.


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