

How to Draw up a realistic timetable.

How to make a realistic timetable.

As you know, in the study we have to follow a timetable suitable for us. 
But most of the cases are those in which we make it but can't follow because of likely this reason.
  • Mom: go to the market and buy this.
  • Father: please come and help me.
  • Facebook, Instagram, social media
  • Call of a friend.
  • Etc...
These are the some usually happen incident when we make our time table. This makes this task more complicated.

 This incident also happens with me and I tackle it by following these steps.

  1. Make your time table according to your flexibility.
  2. If it is not followed then don't get demoralized and think that at least I have to try to follow it.
  3. Everyone says take a gap of 10 min after studying an hour.
  4. Write your time table in copy/notepad. It continuously recalls to you that you have to follow...
  5. If possible make your timetable which starts from early morning because it peace motivates us that you can do.
Since every child has a different time schedule and problem, so your comment about your problem and I definitely resolve your problem.

 You can believe me.

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