

How to study organic chemistry.

How to study organic chemistry?

This is one dilemma is how to study organic chemistry. 

There are many people who say about this but our teacher gave this tip.
  1. Move slowly and learn all reaction's mechanism.
  2. Read any prescribed book and write the paragraph of the book which enhances your basic.
  3. Then, read your self notes because these are the best.
  4. Your good notes tell you how much you are prepared.
  5. Always start with basic to advance because without basic you can't understand further.
  6. When you came to know that I am prepared, do some question.
  7. Practise that type of question which consists of clicking point.
  8. Practise makes the organic perfect.

But above this only gives you a direction to walk it you may follow the below schedule.

Follow this

Day 1- Just have a glance over the classification and nomenclature.

Day 2- Now comes the GOC. First, know about electrophiles and nucleophiles.

Day 3- It’s time for isomerism and Stereochemistry.

Day 4,5- Complete the properties of Hydrocarbons.

Day 6-Haloalkanes, Haloarenes, alcohols, phenols, others-

Day 7,8 - Aldehydes/Ketones-

Day 9, 10- Carboxylic acids & Derivatives, Amines

Day 11-Biomolecules and Polymers.

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