

How to get full marks in practical based question.

How to get full marks in practical based question?

There are two conditions faced by students 

First, who has done practical and set everything.
Second, who did not have done practically in school.

Case 1: Since the student must know which rule, theorem, the law is used in the specific practical. 

It does not have any problem in answering the question. 

If he might so, then please consult your teacher without hesitation or you may meet him personally.

Case 2: Student did not have the idea of any practical. 

If a student must have oper knowledge of each theory mention in a book.

As you know the application of the practical means of theory I.e. if you master in theory then you are able to answer the question.

One more way, first learn the procedure, and precaution because it is very normal to ask a question from that.

If you are facing problem then, follow the steps which are described above.

It's a practical method and I also follow it because in my school practical did not happen so I use the above trick to increase my marks in boards in class 10.

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