

Arihant All In One English Note making |Note Making tips - Edurectifier

How To get full marks in Note making | Note Making tips |

Hi, Today I Swastik Kasera going to share to make you able to get full marks in Note Making.

The tips I am going to share is told by my favourite English teacher. And these tips are very great no other fellow can deduct your marks.


Lets Gets Started…


  • First, you have to make 4 HEADING and each heading consist of 3/4 SUBHEADING. These are compulsory. If you don’t apply you lose your marks.
  • You have to use at-least or minimum 4 abbreviation. This is also mandatory and is also written in question paper.

·         In writing SUBHEADING, you have to use PHRASES not COMPLETE SUBHEADING.

·         Be careful in reading the passage.

Point to be kept in mind

  • Notes should be short and to the point

  • They should be written in points only, not full sentence. They should be put one below the other and numbered properly.
  • They should have all the important points and relevant information contained in the passage.
  • The title to the passage should not be short [not more than 3-4 words] & should reflect the spirit of the passage.


You can use abbreviation like

  •  Use arrows for up, down, or for increasing or decreasing
  • Use Kg, m, etc type symbols for kilograms, metres etc.
  • Use gov, Dr, Eng., instead of government, doctor, engineer.

For Summary Writing


It is the easiest part in section A and you do not need to do hardwork in writing a beautiful summary, teachers just ignore the summary and gave 4 marks to every student.

For time management, you have a practice to complete your note making and summary writing both in 20 minutes.

Indirectly, gave 60 minutes to section A

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