

Are you tensed about your english marks |Follow this | Get the best way to write a report | edurectifier

Ideas for writing an amazing report.

Hello learners , Report Writing!!!

😟 Such a difficult thing to write ,for many of us. But trust me it is not that much difficult instead it is easy and scoring.

It have a weightage of total 10 marks.


But trust me if you titled your report with an eye-catching phrase or an attractive idiom and start your report with mentioning all the necessary details , you will surely get good marks in your exams.

🙂 So, today l will tell you some phrases that you can use for giving an attractive title to your report .

Here is the list of the phrases that one can use in his/her report for making it more amazing👇

aapko ye learn karna h
  1. A Joyful evening
  2. An unforgettable day 
  3. An enlightening seminar 
  4. A remarkable day 
  5. An intriguing seminar 
  6. A thrilling evening/day
  7. A blissful day
  8. A day full of pride 
  9. A disaster happened.
  10. An unfortunate day in .
  11. A dismal road accident in

 So, basically a report can be divided into 3 paragraphs in which different things can be written.

Now I will tell you what you all have to write in the 3 paragraphs of the report.

💮Firstly, I will tell how to write a report for an event .

||FIRST PARAGRAPH|| --> What? Where?When?By whom?Why?

||SECOND PARAGRAPH||--> The function/competition/evening started with a welcome speech for the chief guest of honour, Mr/Mrs ..............., Mr/Mrs ........gave a really insightful/enlightening/motivating speech which filled the participants/attendees with profound enthusiam on the (subject matter).

 ||THIRD PARAGRAPH||--> As the end of the event/program was approaching, there was a broad smile on the faces of the attendees/volunteers .

(Mention the details like- prize ceremony, speech by)

 ||LAST LINE|| A sense of joy/ positivity/fulfilment was clearly visible on the faces of the attendees. 💮Secondly, now I will tell you how to write report for a mishappening.

||FIRST PARAGRAPH|| A very unfortunately accident took place in........... today, at around (time) where ......... Authorities were alerted immediately after the incident took place and emergency services arrived in the shortest time possible.

 ||SECOND PARAGRAPH|| After a brief discussion with the locals/eyewitness, the main reason behind the accident came out to be .............

(Close the paragraph with an ending line ) HOPE IT WILL HELP THANK-YOU 🤗

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